
Privacy Policy :

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines the terms governing the collection, use,  and protection of personal information by HCT Sun (India) (“Company”)  through its website. Your use of this website constitutes explicit agreement to  the terms of this Policy.

1 – Information Collection:

a) Passive Information: 

i. By accessing our website, you unconditionally consent to the collection of  domain names, IP addresses, and related information. This information is  aggregated for statistical analysis to measure website usage and improve  content. 

b) Active Information: 

i. We may request personal information, such as your name and address,  when necessary. At the point of collection, we endeavor to inform you of the  purpose for collecting such information. 

ii. Your provision of personal information is voluntary and at your own  discretion. Failure to provide requested information may impact your ability  to access certain features of the website.

2 – Use of Information: 

a) Personal information is used by the Company to respond to inquiries,  process orders, and provide access to specific account information. 

b) Online surveys may be conducted to understand the needs and profiles of  visitors. Information collected through surveys is used for internal analysis  and improvement of our services. 

3- Consent and Verification: 

a) By providing personal information, you acknowledge that it is done  voluntarily and with your full consent. 

b) The Company is not obligated to verify the source of provided personal  information. Any dispute regarding the consent of information must be raised  within 15 days of provision. 

4- Disclosure: 

a) The Company does not sell personal information for any purpose.  Information is maintained in business records during your association with  the Company’s website.

5- Security: 

a) The Company has implemented electronic and administrative safeguards  to secure collected information, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure  appropriate usage. 

6- Change in Policy: 

a) The Company reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at its  discretion. Users are encouraged to regularly review the Policy for any  changes. 

This Privacy Policy constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and  HCT Sun (India). By using this website, you expressly acknowledge and agree  to the terms outlined herein. If you disagree with any provision of this Policy,  your sole recourse is to discontinue use of the Company’s website. 

This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the  laws of India, and any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Policy  shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai.

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